Thursday, June 17, 2010

(cool name here)

These links are from the place I got the picture from. Primeval creatures has all the creatures from primeval in the first three series. Primeval anomalies has all known anomalies so far. This are cool websites but have nearly nothing to do with the rest of this post. This post is about some movie that I thought of making. It has all the future creatures from Primeval (in my opinion, the worm is from the future, because animals probably couldn't have gotten that big in the precambrian.) In the movie, a bunch of kids from Rocky Mountain Theater for Kids (I go there every summer) find a worm hole that leads to the future and lets future creatures come through to the present. The first creatures that come out is what you'd expect to come through a wormhole: worms. 40 of them. In my opinion the worms evolved from hagfish. The first ten worms are in Theatre O, where the unlucky Carter is trapped. After getting sprayed by worm goo, Carter escapes through a broken window. The goo
Is like a tracker (in Primeval all fog worms were attracted to goo.) The wormhole goes through the air conditioning system into the main theatre, leaving a trail of fog. the worms in Theatre O die as the fog pours out the window because they can't breath in our air. At the main theatre, everybody is hiding when they hear the doors lock. The janitor, without knowing they are there, locks them inside. The wormhole starts spewing out fog and 30 more worms. The fog gets up 5 steps, about 40 inches. Eventually the wormhole in the future moves out of the fog, and the fog in the present seeps out under the doors. The worms die and another creature comes out, to be blogged about next. The picture has a fog worm in Theatre O holding its breath.
p.s. Can you help me think of a name for this scene?

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