Tuesday, October 31, 2017

f(2) spooky f(4) me, f strictly increasing

3 spooky TREE(4) me. That's the most increasing function I can think of. And I think it's the most increasing function anyone has ever thought of, ever. Okay, some procrastinating later and I found that it isn't the MOST increasing. These are. Fastest function that really means something, though.

Anyways, that diversion is over now. I'm here about Halloween. I went as Slash, lead guitarist for Guns 'n' Roses. Well, actually, I went as Slish, lead ukuleleist for Slingshots 'n' Peonies, but that's neither here nor there. Because it's in another universe. Anyways.

I spent like a few hours over the last month preparing a short routine, but I didn't get to use it. Also I completely forgot that we were meant to wear our costumes to choir yesterday. Also I didn't take any pictures. Such is life.

Still, as I was eating dinner, two people sitting across from me complemented me on my costume. One of them asked if my hair was my real hair or if it was a wig. I consider that a win. Almost worth it. Maybe worth it. Let's go with "worth it," for now.

Apparently I missed that at Yale, most festivities take place either during Halloweekend (the weekend before Halloween) or right now, at 11:00 on Halloween, in Woolsey Hall, for the Yale Symphony Orchestra Halloween Show. Whoops. I'll do better next time.

All in all, it was a very freshman Halloween.

Friday, October 13, 2017


Pronounced Oh-LEE-ka. Relevant links.

So, how have these past few weeks been? I've got to write it down somewhere, or else I'll forget. I have a five page paper due tomorrow at 5:00, but within a few weeks, I'll almost certainly be one of only three people who remember it (my mom, Mr. Rogers, and I). Even then, the three of us will probably collectively forget about it in a few years, and we'll all get on with our lives just fine. Freshman year, a seminar class in literature, I'm aiming to major in math or physics. I'm still gonna try though. Because inspirational quotes and yadda yadda.

That's very recent though. So recent that it hasn't happened yet. So, what's been going on recently? Well. It's Friday the 13th, the most spooky night of the year. Except for halloween, obviously. I got a 94% on my Math 230 midterm, and an 82% on my Bio 250 midterm. Seminar is going well, A- on the first essay. Maybe a bit less than that on the second. We'll see.

Pat is fun. As are my Math 230 friends. I should be more proactive about learning names. I still don't know most people's names in my bio lab, which has only 12 people. Math 230 is fun though. Starting to work on some videos. We'll see how it goes. Possible motivation: even after years go by, I'll definitely remember the first video I made on my own.

Biology is cool; I'm learning a lot about arthropods and getting lots of ideas for spec bio stuff. Marta, my bio teacher, helped discover three subspecies of lacewings which were previously thought to be one species. Also, there exist flies and moths that avoid spidery death by bluffing their way into being a spider and scaring "other" spiders off. Literally everything about this tiny world, OMG.

There is nothing to do a lot of the time. Well, that statement is blatantly false. But I never think of things to do. I'm cold turkey again on reading new webcomics, but that's not really going to help. Well, it might. I'm waking up in 9 hours, Flux has informed me. That might give me enough time to write an essay. Maybe. It won't. Where was I? Right. It's so terribly easy to not do stuff. Not doing stuff is what happens a lot of the time. To me.

But, I've also been doing stuff. I can't forget that. Well, I can and I will, but that's not the point. The point is I've done math and hung out with friends and played werewolf. Well, it seems kinda lame when I say it like that. Ah, well. Say levee (if you'll pardon my French).

Hm. I should go to bed. But I should also write an essay. Hmm. I'll probably do something else entirely. ¡Arrivadiós!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017




I'm back!

P.S.: The app won't let me do spaces in the title. It crashes on the second space. It's cool, though.