Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Primeval series 4

Primeval is back so it is my duty as an Andres to write down the creatures in series 4. Here goes:
  1. Cretaceous fish, spinosaurus
  2. Kaprosu-
STOP! Lots of the creatures from series 4 and 5 are repeats. Because of that, and the fact that I haven't written in a long time, I will repeat creatures used before. Let's try again:
  1. Dracorex, cretaceous fish, spinosaurus, raptors
  2. Kaprosuchus, Area 51 creature, mammoth, coelurosauravus
  3. Tree creeper
  4. Therocephalien
  5. Labyrinthodont
  6. Hyaenodon
  7. Terror bird
The area 51 creature is confirmed to be a future fungus that got mistaken for an alien. Can you guess where the picture came from?

P.S. I was playing Minecraft on a new texture pack I had just gotten (Pokecraft) when I saw... in the middle of the air... On a floating grass block... a miltank! There it was, just standing there over 30 feet of air! I took a picture of it using control+shift+4, then saved and quit to write this post. I might post a picture later.

P.P.S. What is the difference from a salamander and a newt? Nobody has answered me.

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