Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Legend of Cornwood part three

I have divided this one into sections too. Read it as you wish.
Down we fell into the blackness. We landed in a room with of the Red King sitting on his throne covered in gold. I chipped away the mouth with my chisel and the statue (well actually it was the Red King covered in gold) said "The Gold King has gotten to me. The only cure is the RedWater. Pour some on me, quick!"
We poured some RedWater on him and the gold melted away. "Thank you," the king said, "In return I shall give you a gift. Come forth, Lukas of the Darkness Realm." Lukas stepped foreward and the Red King gave him what looked like a glove made out of rubies. "This is a very special glove. Here, try it out."
The king waved his hand and a door appeared in the wall. "This door will take you straight to the Gold King's palace. However it is locked," he said. Then he motioned lo Lukas and said, "Go to the door."
Lukas went to the door and as if by magic (actually because of magic) the glove flew towards the door and unlocked it. "Go, heroes!" the king said, "And may luck be with you"
We arrived outside the castle. The castle, being designed by a mad genius,  was structured like this:
l   _____    ____   1
l  1                 1  1
l  1  CASTLE    1  1
l  1__________1  1
l_____        _____1
Vanyel started making a catapult to get across the river moat wall fortress. When he was done, we all climbed in and were launched over the wall. Lucas wrapped us in his cape and we landed in the courtyard with a thud.
After walking around the castle (we had to find the entrance) we entered into the maze. after following the dowsing rod for some time through the maze, we came to a glowing green orb. "Is this it?" I asked.
"No," said Vanyel, "This is some sort of substance that is messing with the dowsing rod. We're on our own."

After a lot more wandering we came to some stairs. Vanyel went down, and we followed. Suddenly, Vanyel threw himself on the floor. We did too, and just avoided being hit by a large whirring blade. Lukas reached out and caught it.
We looked down to inspect the blade, and saw the blood of emerald soldiers on it. Lukas gave Vanyel the blade and we kept going. There was writing and pictures on the walls. This is what they said:
"One day, many thousands of years ago, when the gods fell to earth, they created a tree. This tree was made out of the most rare substance of the world: cornwood. The surrounding area was then named Cornwood, in honor of the tree. The wood was said to be able to do anything and everything, even power the -17Inator. It was so powerful that the original gods sealed it in some really dark and forbidden place. The place was so dark that even the sun would just be smothered out by the darkness."
The walls went on like this for quite some time. Then we arrived at a chamber with a sleeping insane dwarf.
We could tell he was insane because of the sign on his chest that said "Insane." Lukas threw an arrow at a golden apple near his head. Because he was so insane, he started sleeping more soundly. Lukas cast the spell of silence on the room. The dwarf's snores grew louder. Lukas cancelled the silence spell and vanyel asked "Okay, so what makes people go insane?"
"Fingernails on a chalkboard!" Said Lukas. Vanyel made a chalkboardish object and started scraping it. Almost instantly, the dwarf sat up and yawned.
"Ah," he said, "thanks for making me sane again. I assume you are heroes. In return for doing that I shall give you each two things that I make out of gold."
We chose our stuff. Vanyel got a hundred arrows and some golden string for his emerald bow, Lukas got some golden batteries for his scythe and a golden something-or-other, and I got a golden shield and three golden flashlights. Lukas put his golden batteries into the flashlights and found an emerald battery for himself that made his scythe long-range. I wrapped the plasma whip around the shield and made it a plasma shield.
"There you go," said the dwarf, "And be careful. Up ahead you may have to get into combat"

Up ahead, we got into some combat. Five guard dwarves (with "Guard" signs on their chests) tried to kill us. Lukas and Vanyel each sniped two. I ran in close and slammed one of the dwarves with my shield, thereby making him DESINTEVAPORATE. Vanyel picked up one of their golden semiautomatic pistols and we moved on.
Some time later, we came to a large chamber. The large chamber had a huge tentacled thing in the middle. By squinting, I could see that the Magical Gemerald of Power (which is its official name, as we learned from the writing on the walls) was inside the creature. We set about getting to the gemerald.
Lukas cut off the tentacles from afar with his scythe and Vanyel shot it in the eyes with his gun. I held my shield behind me and slashed with my sword in front of me so he couldn't get me. Going on like this for a while, we realized we were going nowhere fast.
I ran back to vanyel and drank some RedWater, then I started slashing through the monster much quicker, so I was able to almost make it to the gemerald. However, the center part of the monster just kept re-growing too fast. I asked Vanyel for some help.
Vanyel quickly took all the tentacle bits around him to make a huge tentacle bullet, then he shot it directly into the center of the beast. I grabbed the gemerald through the hole he made and started running.
"Wait!" Said lukas, "Under the monster is an immense hole that travels past the red layer, past the blue layer, and into the platinum layer."
"But we have to go now!" I told him, pointing at the dwarves labeled "Warrior".
"We can come back later" I grabbed him out of the hole and pulled him away. Vanyel and Lukas drank the last of the RedWater and followed me as I raced ahead of the massive wave of dwarves. We eventually lost them and tossed the gemerald into the arms of the surprised Emerald king. Our first quest was over.
If you're wondering, book two hasn't been made yet.

Friday, April 20, 2012


If the post is too long I have inserted breaks at good stopping points so you can just read those.
When we get to the bottom of the cave we notice that there is a very clear line between the section that is covered in gold and the section that is red and emitting red light. We look around the red section and Vanyel finds a button. He presses it. A door appears in the wall and a voice says "ENTER!!!!!"
We enter.
In the chamber is a king in entirely red clothing sitting on a red throne. He introduces himself as the Red King and tells us more about our quest. Essentially he told us that we, as heroes, can travel freely through the realms and so we must follow a map that he gave us to the kingdom of the Green King to get the Green Button from him and plug it into the dowsing rod to find the Shiny Gem Jewel Crystal Emerald Thingy of Power (or something to that effect).
Vanyel, ever the greedy, asks the king for some RedWater (one word) because his water is running out. The king gave us a red bottle but when we looked inside it was empty and golden! The Red King gasped.  "Time is short," he said, "The Gold King comes near. I will give you very special RedWater that cures anything golden. We thanked him and he showed us the way out.
Curious, Vanyel drank some of the RedWater - just a tiny sip. He immediately started glowing red and he tossed some to me. "Drink some," he said, "and follow me." I did what I was told and passed the RedWater to Lukas, who also drank some. We were off like the wind. Skimming across the lakes, we catched up to Vanyel and shouted, "Where are we going?"
"The Green King lives in the sky," answered Vanyel, "We should be approaching the way up in a few-"
Vanyel was cut off when he crashed into an enormous green ladder. Quickly restabilizing the ladder, we started to climb. With the help of the RedWater we reached the top in no time. We came up in the middle of a green throne room.

"Welcome!!!" boomed a king dressed entirely in green who was presumably the Green King. "I have been expecting you. I believe I am to give you the Green Button so that you can get back my Emerald."
We nodded.
"But I will give you so much more!" he exclaimed. "First of all, here is the green button," he said, giving a button to Vanyel, which he promptly attached to the dowsing rod, "and next I would like to tell you a story."
Just to be clear, the cow and the Red King also gave speeches, but I didn't remember theirs. Anyways, here we go:
"Once upon a time, all of us kings lived in our own realms. However, one day the Red King made a most daring proposition: We would combine our powers into a single object, so that we would all be more powerful. The blue king (who lives below the red king) and I agreed and we created the Emerald. However the Gold King, jealous of our power, stole the emerald and used it to create a hugely gigantic and gigantically huge army. The only way to stop it is to return the Emerald back to its rightful owner. That's me. Now I will give you each gifts, in the spirit of a true quest."
"Vanyel!!!! You are very good at crafting."
"Yes, yes I am," answered Vanyel.
"Humble too, I see," said the Green King, giving Vanyel a look, "Anyways, I am presenting to you five of my finest emeralds for you to do whatever you want with."
"Yes!" said Vanyel, "now I can make an emerald bow! All I need is some string and that means: spiders!"

"Or scorpions," said the Green King, "They are crawling all over the Gold King's realm. I assume you have seen them?"
We shook our heads.
"Unnaturally lucky just like true heroes," said the Green King, shaking his head. He reached into his robe and pulled out a long, sleek green whistle. He blew on it and said, "That probably called about five scorpions, which should be more than enough." Gratefully, Vanyel slid down the ladder to kill some scorpions with the Mustache Whip.
Next he turned to me. "Andres," he said, "You are by far the most awesome hero here" (he said this mostly because he was played by me) "and yet you do not have a sword. Take my finest emerald sword and go help Vanyel kill some spiders" I thanked him and slid down the ladder  to meet Vanyel.
Finally, he turned to Lukas. "Death, my old friend, how have you been?" (By the way, I don't think I've mentioned it before, but Lukas was Death, the Dark King, who lived above the green king. We learned this from the cow and the Red king gave his memory back so he no longer has AMNESIA) "I see that lying dormant for five thousand years didn't do anything good on your clothes. Let me give you my finest emerald armor so that you are even more invincible"
Suddenly an Emerald Soldier came up to the king with ten spears running through him and said, "I just took ten spears and I haven't died yet!" Lukas, by instinct, chopped the poor soldier in half with his scythe. "Darn," said the Green King, turning back to Lukas, "He was a good soldier. I remember that once he took ten spears to the stomach and was resilient enough to survive" Then he sighed and felt reminiscent for a while. Suddenly he seemed to snap back into place and he said "Anyways, you'd better get going. Bye!"
Lukas came down as we finished battling the scorpions and Vanyel got a really gruff voice from a nasty sting. Suddenly a gigantic hole opened up beneath us and we fell down, down, down, into the black (well actually red) abyss
If the post is too long I have inserted breaks at good stopping points so you can just read those.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looks like we survived

That never happened, just for the record.
So Vanyel  Lukas and I had an awesome RPG on the way back on our field trip today. Let's get right to it.
We appear on a tree in the middle of a swamp with the stereotypical AMNESIA!!!! Vanyel attacks a tree to get some wood for materials. The tree, angered, opened its eye shot Vanyel with a laser that made him 20% slower. Vanyel then asked the tree politely for some bark to make some stuff. The tree agreed. Suddenly we notice that everything is GOLDEN!!!!!
"Is it made of gold?" Lucas asks.
"No, look," I say, taking out my chisel (which I have for some reason) and scraping away some gold off of a nearby tree. "It's only paint." I look over to the chisel and notice that it's gold too, then I look back at the tree and see that it is gold again too. "Weird," I say, looking back at Lukas poking at a nearby golden cow pie.
"Don't touch that!" Vanyel and I said to Lukas. Then I realized that where there are cow pies there must be cows. Vanyel quickly makes a dowsing rod and sets it to magic golden cow.It starts overheating, but he cools it off with the jug of water he has on his back. We are about to set off when Lucas finds an odd-looking rock. "Amethyst" I say.
Vanyel takes the amethyst and looks at it. "I don't think I can make anything out of these but some arrows and a dagger," he says, so he makes some arrows and gives one to Lukas. Lukas, bored attacks a tree and cuts it in half. Angered, all the other trees shoot Lukas and freeze him. Vanyel makes the cure to the freeze ray, Unfreezium Leviosa, out of water and elf's tears to unfreeze Lukas. Lukas finds an ender eye in his pocket and tosses it up into the sky. It floats for a while and flies in the direction the dowsing rod is pointing. Starting after it, we set off across the swamp trees.
After following the dowsing rod for a while we came to a meadow with a large golden cow with a mustache. The cow told us, among other things, that the world was being infected by the Gold King and the only way to stop him was to return the Emerald Crystal Gem Shiny Thingy of Doom. Suddenly, the ender eye came down from the sky and burned a hole in the ground where a golden cow pie once was. We decide we want to explore the hole, but first Vanyel Asked the cow for its leather to make stuff. The cow disagreed but he did give us part of his mustache, which can be made into a whip that turns on fire at high speeds and, when fast enough, becomes a PLASMA WHIP!!!!! We thank the cow for its kindness and start descending into the hole, which emitted a strange, red glow.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012