Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Just to clarify

It really was 10:44 when I posted that last one. All of the times were correct. I don't know why it says 9:44.

It's 10:47 right now.

Free time

I need to sleep. I know that I need to sleep. But I won't sleep. Because I am blogging. It always feels like I have a lot of free time, and then I look at the clock, and it's just ten minutes after the last time I looked at the clock, but this is the moment I realize that it's late. Blugh, It's 10:14 right now.

I'm considering creating an informative video about voting systems and things. Like the CGP Grey videos, except with less quality. I think it's possible, especially because I would just have to set up the rules once, but it would end up being like a 30 minute video. I think that's a bit ambitious, at least until Spring Break. It's 10:19 right now.

I'm also thinking of making music. Music is cool. With improvisation, I can just come up with tunes, and then put lyrics to those tunes later. First on the list is "Bacteria are Cool (and Viruses are Not)," which I came up with last Wednes-Thursday. Last Thursday. With some friends. When I came home and preformed it in front of my family, Lucia didn't entirely understand the concept of improv, because she kept asking me to do it again the same way, which messed me up. Anyways, I could probably make a short one-minute song over the weekend, if we didn't do anything special. It's 10:23 right now.

I was reading a book earlier this year called Night School, which is about how to sleep better. It recommends to keep yourself awake until you're really sleepy (check) and stay away from screens or blue light (not check). It's still in my old room, though. Right, I never told you, but Lucia and I switched rooms. She really likes sleeping under the bunk bed. It is 10:26 right now.

I had a nice segue to this paragraph, but I forgot it. Anyways, "segue" has one of the dumbest spellings in the english language. Do I capitalize that? Spell-check says so. Anyways, when I was walking home from school this afternoon, I looked behind me, and the moon was enormous. Like, seriously, way bigger than it should have been. I kept looking at it as I walked across the field filled with nothing, and it got smaller and smaller, until it returned to a semi-reasonable size when I got to the edge. I'm wondering if it might be an optical illusion. It might not be, though. Who knows. It is now 10:31.

Speaking of reading (yes I was speaking of reading, two paragraphs ago) I have been reading Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality again. Harry and the rest of the cast are slowly becoming people I wouldn't mind sharing a train car with, if they sat far away and we didn't talk. Which is an improvement. I'm also reading Red Mars, which I almost gave up on, but it's starting to heat up. Literally. Ba-dum tish. The third book I'm reading is called Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra. It's not as boring and lame as it sounds, although that might just be because I am boring and lame. Still, it has given my a whole new animosity for Newton and his time manipulation. Speaking of time, it is now 10:36.

And, hey, speaking of boring and lame, here's a thing. I just proved it in a math test, and It's a bit freaky when you try to thing around it. Basically, as X (a variable) gets closer and closer to K (a constant), the function (X^3 - KX^2) / (X^3 - K^3) gets closer and closer to 1/3. I find this strange. And confusing. And it makes me want to find a general theorem for other powers. What a nerd. Anyways, that was the end goal I set for this blog post when I started it. To tell you about that weird limit. Now I am done, and it is 10:43. Time to shut down my computer.

Just kidding. It's 10:44 now. I'm not going to check for spelling mistakes.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

We dropped him down into the sky.

This evening, while walking through the field full of nothing on my way home from school, the sun kept getting brighter and brighter. It was super hot, and made the whole thing a real chore, and it didn't even melt the snow. Boulder, amirite?

Anyways, today I watched an amazing movie that you should see. It's called Patema Inverted, and it is SO GOOD. It is about a world in which some scientists have  messed with gravity, and accidentally made it go the other way from certain people. This causes a split between the up-goers and the down-goers. Then, it's the future, and a princess named Patema is not okay with staying cooped up in her home. She goes exploring, and then BRILLIANT THINGS HAPPEN. It is also full of dangerous hugs.

Really. This is one of the best movies I have ever watched. And I love it despite the fact that it includes one of the scariest things for me, falling up. Ever since I've read that stupid poem book, I've worried that one day, things would just change. And then I would fall upwards. It has become a kind of terrifying game for me, trying to find the places best suited for surviving gravity changes.

Also, a few short scary stories have been written on the subject. You should read them.

That's all. Watch the thing! Or, if you don't have the time, just read the stories. They're, like, ten minutes at most for both of them. Anyways, bye!