Saturday, September 24, 2011

Terminator: Salvation

Halloo. I just went to Chuck E. Cheese's because my sister wanted to (Boondocks is way more fun). I ate a pizza and wandered around, looking at all the boring kid games, and then I saw a Terminator: Salvation machine (that was probably put there for kids that were dragged there by there siblings like I was) and I was like "alright, this'll be fun!". Dad's call ing me up now so I have to write the rest tomorrow. bye!
Tadaa! it's the next day, and I came to blog some more. Anyways I played and did a commentary just because I wanted to. I was always saying things like "digga digga" when I got the minigun and "blam!" when I had the shotgun. I also gave out helpful hints to all the people who came to the second gun to play with me like "those things blow you up!" "Those things kill you!" "Those things hurt you!" "I don't know what those things do, but I think they harm you in some way. Hey, I was right!" and stuff like that. I haven't even watched the movie, but I think I get the basic storyline: the robots made by something called LifeCorp. (or something like that) are bad; I am part of the resistance; making robots and robot factories go boom is good. By the way, aren't their faces scary? I have also made names for the robots: the water ones are Worms, the human-like ones (like the one in the picture) are Terminators, the ones that explode are Spiders (or sometimes Exploding Bastards), the ones that shoot purple missiles are Plasma Shooters, the ones that fly and shoot missiles are Annoying, the ones that fly at you are Hoverbots, the big things that kill people are Big Things That Kill People (sometimes Big Things for short), and the turrets are Turrets. My internet is starting to fail so I better post this now. Bye!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


If you're wondering about the title, I didn't know what to call this post so I asked one of my cats, Maggy Meau, what I should call this post. She said "meaaaaou" so that's the title.
Minecraft 1.8 came out so I took advantage of the fact that I hadn't explored much and found a large swamp and a surface pool of lava. I am hoping to find a town or stronghold soon. I also built an epic giant mushroom forest and got 2 64 stacks of each type of mushroom. The only reason I stopped is because I ran out of bonemeal.
That's one of the reasons I love minecraft: if someone else doesn't know about minecraft you can utterly bamboozle them with words like bonemeal (made out of bones, can be used to grow stuff like trees, wheat, and mushrooms), stronghold (extremely awesome and epic, basically large seemingly manmade underground fortresses), surface pools of lava (actually that's kinda obvious- a pool of lava on the surface of the world), and 64 stacks (64 is the most you can stack items in your inventory).
Another thing, I discovered a seed (another bamboozling word, basically a pre-generated world) today. I was fooling around and I typed in "hihihi" for the seed and it came up with a world of epic lavafalls and ravines. I fount the lavafall by chasing a pig into it, and I found the ravine when looking for the lavafall in a different world.
I also have been getting a lot of wierd splashel like umop-apistdn! (I just got it! it's "I'm up a piston"), lewd with two dudes with food, google anlyteced, and superfragilisticexpealidocious (note that there is no "cali").
In other news I got a Youtube channel! check out my first video here. I meant to be TheBasicShow but that was taken (probably by the original Basic Show, even though all their videos are gone from YouTube) so I am TheBazikShow.
That's all, folks!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

hi, mom

My mom was bugging me about posting my Minecraft videos so here is a sneak preview of when I get an account on YouTube and post my EscapeCraft series:

In other news, yesterday I thought it was a good idea to finish my book before going to the bus home. After I finished I ran to the bus and it started pulling away. I ran to the door of the bus and waved my arms at the new driver (I don't know her name yet). The bus stopped and I got on. It was fun. :)
In still other news, remember how I made it my goal to blog three times a week? I changed it so that I would aim for three a week but only need one. I'm a genious. Except I can't spell genius correctly. :)
I like emoji :)
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I'm just doing that to pass the time while my video uploads. Speed Emoji!!!
Yaaaaawn. I'm bored.
Minecraft 1.8 has been released and I spent 10 minuted in the settings trying to set my controls back to normal. It worked. Guess what? Button 1 is left click and Button 2 is right click. I would upload a video of me figuring out the settings but it's already taking ages to upload 1 video so I think I'll pass.
Still uploading.
Stiiiiil uploading.
Not done yet.
Still not done.
Stiiiiil not done.
Time to drag it out a lot: ssssssssssttttttttttiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll nnnnnnnnooooooooottttttt dddddddddoooooooonnnnnnnnnneeeeeeee........
Should I quit?
I'll retry now.

It didn't go in the right place :(
I'll go get my dad.

40 moinutes later, dad has declared that we should go to sleep and we can't do it now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Making up

This is making up for all the posts I've missed. See, I made it my Official School Platt CHOICE Goal to blog at least three times a week because I like blogging. Usually I watch YouTube and anime or play video games after doing my homework, then go to bed and read. This year I will try to blog a lot, more than last year at least. That won't be hard because last year I didn't blog at all during the school year. Anyways, about my day:
Today we had something called a "pep assembly" where we tried to scream the loudest to win the "spirit stick". There was a big, scary wolf there. The school symbol here is the wolf, and there was a man in a wolf costume there. I think he was scarier than the wolves we met at Mission: Wolf (donate to them! Yaaay!). We lost the contest. I'm not sure who won, but we lost.
I also got a program called Jing that is used to record videos. It's really easy to use but has bad graphics and a 5 minute video limit, so I can't really use it for let's plays. Can you please comment a good preferably free recording system? Thank you and good night.