Thursday, August 30, 2012


I won a race today.
Every year, CHOICE holds a boat race. This year, as an eighth grader, I got to build a boat and race against the other classes with the eight graders in my class.
Our boat was a piece of plywood on top of six empty water jugs. Then we put some PVC piping on the front and back, so that we could hold on and swim. We used a lot of duct tape and caulk to keep it together.
Unfortunately, the boat broke almost immediately. After most of the people had rotated on and off, one of the front PVC pipes fell off. As I was getting on, the back PVC also came loose. The rules stated that the entire boat had to come back to the beach, so I held the PVC pipes on the boat.
By this time, we were halfway to the halfway point and in fifth place. We swam over to and around the marker, telling ourselves that second place was within our grasp. We steadily made our way to fourth, then third.
Then a little something happened.
Alex, the relatively small (still bigger than me) boy who never stops talking about video games, started kicking furiously. we sped forward and came to the beach, in the full glory of second place.
First place went to Mr. Brown's class, who somehow found a way to make a wooden boat. They were finished ages before anyone else. Still, it was fun.
And therefore I win.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dreamception 2

I had a totally wacky dreamz (Dreamz: Noun. Dreams with a z because they were so awezome. Awezome: adjective. Awesome with a z because it is so inceptiony (Inceptiony: adjective. When something is within something else three or more times. Example: These are parentheses within parentheses within parentheses!))) today. Now to tell them to the world by means of my blog!

Something happens with marshmallows, ice cream, and whipped cream. Can't remember exactly what it was. I wake up.
When I wake up I am in the future, which is obvious because everything is too shiny and too round. I get out of my round bet and go through a round door into a round room. I slip into a round chair and start playing a video game. The game was a designing game and I made some spaceships, a forest, some mountains, and a minecart track through the mountains.
Suddenly, I heard a CRASH from outside, and people screaming. I looked out my round window and saw a gigantic wave of water with a face that had just fallen from the sky rampaging through Sky City (as the city is now called because all the buildings are above the clouds). Just so you know, the city looks like this: 
Exept there are clouds everywhere and it is all a little squashed. And, um, there is a GIANT WATER BEING FROM SPACE RAMPAGING THROUGH THE CITY!
The water being turned to my round sky house (the houses are the orbs on the towers) and roared. Then it started to seep through the windows. Terrified, I grabbed a round pencil and through it at the being. The being roared and turned around.
Since I don't have all day, here is the basic outline of what followed: after some life-risking tests we ascertained that the water was hurt by graphite, so we got everybody and made pencil guns and graphite grenades and an uber eraser tank. Then we totally owned the monster. Then I woke up.
This time someone shakes me awake and I am on some stairs. This is the boring part, I do an assignment with Avery and Blue and we totally own a school competition. I wake up again.
I get ready for school, and I get on the bus, and Mr. Brown gives us a BORING math test. I fall asleep almost immediately.
In my dream (I know this is all really complicated) I am back in my world that I made in the video game in the part of the dream with the water being. I do all sorts of stuff, eventually ending up with the whole mountain EXPLODING as I ride away in the minecart. When I run out of track I am in a snowy forest and a snail caravan approaches me. After some bargaining, I sell the diamond that I found (part of the long story where the mountain exploded) and they let me in. We travel until we reach a town. I wake up.
I yawn, see that everybody's leaving, and go home from school. I tell my dad to remind me to blog and fall asleep on the couch. I continue my dream in the video game, and end up chased by dragons across a long flat sheet of ice (another long story). A gigantinormimmenselephantitansivastoweringargantuaneverending (gigantic, enormous, immense, elephantine, titanic, massive, vast, towering, gargantuan, and never-ending all put together) dragon came bursting out of the ice and ate all the dragons that were after us. We leapt out of the ice and onto dry land just in time to find the treasure before it got buried in quicksand and return to the town in full glory. I woke up.
I stretched on the couch, yawned, and went downstairs to make this blog post. Then I woke up for real.

That was my single dream that I had last night. If you do the math, and you don't have to because I did, you find that I was in a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. Huzzah! :) I love dreamceptions.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Viking Names

During our sushi dinner we came up with proper viking names in the style of How to Train Your Dragon.
Me: Andres the Small of the Crazy Loonigans, o Hear his Name and Laugh, ha ha
Mom: Eliany the Mom of the Crazy Loonigans, o Hear her Name and Don't Wipe Your Hands on Your Pants for the Last Time and I Really Mean it, sigh sigh
Dad: Snoozy the Snorer of the Crazy Loonigans, o Hear his Name and run for Fear of Being Eaten, nom nom
Lucia: Lucia the Hyper of the Crazy Loonigans, o Hear her Name and Make Sure Your Furniture is Securely Fastened, evacuate evacuate
Pity Pur: Pity el Purro the Spanish Conquistador, o Hear his Footsteps and Tremble, literally literally
Maggy Meou: Maggy the Fast From the Depths of the Jungle, o watch her run and hide, zoom zoom
That's it for the Crazy Loonigans & Friends, make your own name and post it in the comments.

Recurring Dreams

First, let's start off with the recurring dreams. One dream I frequently have is of some people and I being stranded on a planet full of dinosaurs. The last time, two days ago, I found out that the planet is called Driftwood.
The second is more of a recurring theme, in which my friends and I have to do something to a ghost, to make his or her afterlife better. Usually, the ghosts aren't scary, just sad and lonely. :( :(
The third is when I'm in a place, usually a house, that is full of traps and death. Three days ago I had a nasty run-in with a dog the size of a dog, but with a really bad attitude. To make it worse, about halfway through my escape an evil ghost IRG came and we had to fend it off with spells from Harry Potter. Yeah, my dreams are like that.
The fourth is about me in video games. At least they feel like video games. There is always a large flying boss involved, and some sort of fungus creature. Cockroaches are not uncommon too.
The fifth and last is COMPLETE CHAOS. At least 20 to 500 heroes and villains duke it out in a massive brawl. Usually these dreams end with a large explosion or me waking up, we have won once and lost once. Both were epic.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Epic emoji

Yes I will eventually finish the last post but I just found an awesome emoji:
Well that was it. Bye!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Legend of Cornwood part three

I have divided this one into sections too. Read it as you wish.
Down we fell into the blackness. We landed in a room with of the Red King sitting on his throne covered in gold. I chipped away the mouth with my chisel and the statue (well actually it was the Red King covered in gold) said "The Gold King has gotten to me. The only cure is the RedWater. Pour some on me, quick!"
We poured some RedWater on him and the gold melted away. "Thank you," the king said, "In return I shall give you a gift. Come forth, Lukas of the Darkness Realm." Lukas stepped foreward and the Red King gave him what looked like a glove made out of rubies. "This is a very special glove. Here, try it out."
The king waved his hand and a door appeared in the wall. "This door will take you straight to the Gold King's palace. However it is locked," he said. Then he motioned lo Lukas and said, "Go to the door."
Lukas went to the door and as if by magic (actually because of magic) the glove flew towards the door and unlocked it. "Go, heroes!" the king said, "And may luck be with you"
We arrived outside the castle. The castle, being designed by a mad genius,  was structured like this:
l   _____    ____   1
l  1                 1  1
l  1  CASTLE    1  1
l  1__________1  1
l_____        _____1
Vanyel started making a catapult to get across the river moat wall fortress. When he was done, we all climbed in and were launched over the wall. Lucas wrapped us in his cape and we landed in the courtyard with a thud.
After walking around the castle (we had to find the entrance) we entered into the maze. after following the dowsing rod for some time through the maze, we came to a glowing green orb. "Is this it?" I asked.
"No," said Vanyel, "This is some sort of substance that is messing with the dowsing rod. We're on our own."

After a lot more wandering we came to some stairs. Vanyel went down, and we followed. Suddenly, Vanyel threw himself on the floor. We did too, and just avoided being hit by a large whirring blade. Lukas reached out and caught it.
We looked down to inspect the blade, and saw the blood of emerald soldiers on it. Lukas gave Vanyel the blade and we kept going. There was writing and pictures on the walls. This is what they said:
"One day, many thousands of years ago, when the gods fell to earth, they created a tree. This tree was made out of the most rare substance of the world: cornwood. The surrounding area was then named Cornwood, in honor of the tree. The wood was said to be able to do anything and everything, even power the -17Inator. It was so powerful that the original gods sealed it in some really dark and forbidden place. The place was so dark that even the sun would just be smothered out by the darkness."
The walls went on like this for quite some time. Then we arrived at a chamber with a sleeping insane dwarf.
We could tell he was insane because of the sign on his chest that said "Insane." Lukas threw an arrow at a golden apple near his head. Because he was so insane, he started sleeping more soundly. Lukas cast the spell of silence on the room. The dwarf's snores grew louder. Lukas cancelled the silence spell and vanyel asked "Okay, so what makes people go insane?"
"Fingernails on a chalkboard!" Said Lukas. Vanyel made a chalkboardish object and started scraping it. Almost instantly, the dwarf sat up and yawned.
"Ah," he said, "thanks for making me sane again. I assume you are heroes. In return for doing that I shall give you each two things that I make out of gold."
We chose our stuff. Vanyel got a hundred arrows and some golden string for his emerald bow, Lukas got some golden batteries for his scythe and a golden something-or-other, and I got a golden shield and three golden flashlights. Lukas put his golden batteries into the flashlights and found an emerald battery for himself that made his scythe long-range. I wrapped the plasma whip around the shield and made it a plasma shield.
"There you go," said the dwarf, "And be careful. Up ahead you may have to get into combat"

Up ahead, we got into some combat. Five guard dwarves (with "Guard" signs on their chests) tried to kill us. Lukas and Vanyel each sniped two. I ran in close and slammed one of the dwarves with my shield, thereby making him DESINTEVAPORATE. Vanyel picked up one of their golden semiautomatic pistols and we moved on.
Some time later, we came to a large chamber. The large chamber had a huge tentacled thing in the middle. By squinting, I could see that the Magical Gemerald of Power (which is its official name, as we learned from the writing on the walls) was inside the creature. We set about getting to the gemerald.
Lukas cut off the tentacles from afar with his scythe and Vanyel shot it in the eyes with his gun. I held my shield behind me and slashed with my sword in front of me so he couldn't get me. Going on like this for a while, we realized we were going nowhere fast.
I ran back to vanyel and drank some RedWater, then I started slashing through the monster much quicker, so I was able to almost make it to the gemerald. However, the center part of the monster just kept re-growing too fast. I asked Vanyel for some help.
Vanyel quickly took all the tentacle bits around him to make a huge tentacle bullet, then he shot it directly into the center of the beast. I grabbed the gemerald through the hole he made and started running.
"Wait!" Said lukas, "Under the monster is an immense hole that travels past the red layer, past the blue layer, and into the platinum layer."
"But we have to go now!" I told him, pointing at the dwarves labeled "Warrior".
"We can come back later" I grabbed him out of the hole and pulled him away. Vanyel and Lukas drank the last of the RedWater and followed me as I raced ahead of the massive wave of dwarves. We eventually lost them and tossed the gemerald into the arms of the surprised Emerald king. Our first quest was over.
If you're wondering, book two hasn't been made yet.

Friday, April 20, 2012


If the post is too long I have inserted breaks at good stopping points so you can just read those.
When we get to the bottom of the cave we notice that there is a very clear line between the section that is covered in gold and the section that is red and emitting red light. We look around the red section and Vanyel finds a button. He presses it. A door appears in the wall and a voice says "ENTER!!!!!"
We enter.
In the chamber is a king in entirely red clothing sitting on a red throne. He introduces himself as the Red King and tells us more about our quest. Essentially he told us that we, as heroes, can travel freely through the realms and so we must follow a map that he gave us to the kingdom of the Green King to get the Green Button from him and plug it into the dowsing rod to find the Shiny Gem Jewel Crystal Emerald Thingy of Power (or something to that effect).
Vanyel, ever the greedy, asks the king for some RedWater (one word) because his water is running out. The king gave us a red bottle but when we looked inside it was empty and golden! The Red King gasped.  "Time is short," he said, "The Gold King comes near. I will give you very special RedWater that cures anything golden. We thanked him and he showed us the way out.
Curious, Vanyel drank some of the RedWater - just a tiny sip. He immediately started glowing red and he tossed some to me. "Drink some," he said, "and follow me." I did what I was told and passed the RedWater to Lukas, who also drank some. We were off like the wind. Skimming across the lakes, we catched up to Vanyel and shouted, "Where are we going?"
"The Green King lives in the sky," answered Vanyel, "We should be approaching the way up in a few-"
Vanyel was cut off when he crashed into an enormous green ladder. Quickly restabilizing the ladder, we started to climb. With the help of the RedWater we reached the top in no time. We came up in the middle of a green throne room.

"Welcome!!!" boomed a king dressed entirely in green who was presumably the Green King. "I have been expecting you. I believe I am to give you the Green Button so that you can get back my Emerald."
We nodded.
"But I will give you so much more!" he exclaimed. "First of all, here is the green button," he said, giving a button to Vanyel, which he promptly attached to the dowsing rod, "and next I would like to tell you a story."
Just to be clear, the cow and the Red King also gave speeches, but I didn't remember theirs. Anyways, here we go:
"Once upon a time, all of us kings lived in our own realms. However, one day the Red King made a most daring proposition: We would combine our powers into a single object, so that we would all be more powerful. The blue king (who lives below the red king) and I agreed and we created the Emerald. However the Gold King, jealous of our power, stole the emerald and used it to create a hugely gigantic and gigantically huge army. The only way to stop it is to return the Emerald back to its rightful owner. That's me. Now I will give you each gifts, in the spirit of a true quest."
"Vanyel!!!! You are very good at crafting."
"Yes, yes I am," answered Vanyel.
"Humble too, I see," said the Green King, giving Vanyel a look, "Anyways, I am presenting to you five of my finest emeralds for you to do whatever you want with."
"Yes!" said Vanyel, "now I can make an emerald bow! All I need is some string and that means: spiders!"

"Or scorpions," said the Green King, "They are crawling all over the Gold King's realm. I assume you have seen them?"
We shook our heads.
"Unnaturally lucky just like true heroes," said the Green King, shaking his head. He reached into his robe and pulled out a long, sleek green whistle. He blew on it and said, "That probably called about five scorpions, which should be more than enough." Gratefully, Vanyel slid down the ladder to kill some scorpions with the Mustache Whip.
Next he turned to me. "Andres," he said, "You are by far the most awesome hero here" (he said this mostly because he was played by me) "and yet you do not have a sword. Take my finest emerald sword and go help Vanyel kill some spiders" I thanked him and slid down the ladder  to meet Vanyel.
Finally, he turned to Lukas. "Death, my old friend, how have you been?" (By the way, I don't think I've mentioned it before, but Lukas was Death, the Dark King, who lived above the green king. We learned this from the cow and the Red king gave his memory back so he no longer has AMNESIA) "I see that lying dormant for five thousand years didn't do anything good on your clothes. Let me give you my finest emerald armor so that you are even more invincible"
Suddenly an Emerald Soldier came up to the king with ten spears running through him and said, "I just took ten spears and I haven't died yet!" Lukas, by instinct, chopped the poor soldier in half with his scythe. "Darn," said the Green King, turning back to Lukas, "He was a good soldier. I remember that once he took ten spears to the stomach and was resilient enough to survive" Then he sighed and felt reminiscent for a while. Suddenly he seemed to snap back into place and he said "Anyways, you'd better get going. Bye!"
Lukas came down as we finished battling the scorpions and Vanyel got a really gruff voice from a nasty sting. Suddenly a gigantic hole opened up beneath us and we fell down, down, down, into the black (well actually red) abyss
If the post is too long I have inserted breaks at good stopping points so you can just read those.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looks like we survived

That never happened, just for the record.
So Vanyel  Lukas and I had an awesome RPG on the way back on our field trip today. Let's get right to it.
We appear on a tree in the middle of a swamp with the stereotypical AMNESIA!!!! Vanyel attacks a tree to get some wood for materials. The tree, angered, opened its eye shot Vanyel with a laser that made him 20% slower. Vanyel then asked the tree politely for some bark to make some stuff. The tree agreed. Suddenly we notice that everything is GOLDEN!!!!!
"Is it made of gold?" Lucas asks.
"No, look," I say, taking out my chisel (which I have for some reason) and scraping away some gold off of a nearby tree. "It's only paint." I look over to the chisel and notice that it's gold too, then I look back at the tree and see that it is gold again too. "Weird," I say, looking back at Lukas poking at a nearby golden cow pie.
"Don't touch that!" Vanyel and I said to Lukas. Then I realized that where there are cow pies there must be cows. Vanyel quickly makes a dowsing rod and sets it to magic golden cow.It starts overheating, but he cools it off with the jug of water he has on his back. We are about to set off when Lucas finds an odd-looking rock. "Amethyst" I say.
Vanyel takes the amethyst and looks at it. "I don't think I can make anything out of these but some arrows and a dagger," he says, so he makes some arrows and gives one to Lukas. Lukas, bored attacks a tree and cuts it in half. Angered, all the other trees shoot Lukas and freeze him. Vanyel makes the cure to the freeze ray, Unfreezium Leviosa, out of water and elf's tears to unfreeze Lukas. Lukas finds an ender eye in his pocket and tosses it up into the sky. It floats for a while and flies in the direction the dowsing rod is pointing. Starting after it, we set off across the swamp trees.
After following the dowsing rod for a while we came to a meadow with a large golden cow with a mustache. The cow told us, among other things, that the world was being infected by the Gold King and the only way to stop him was to return the Emerald Crystal Gem Shiny Thingy of Doom. Suddenly, the ender eye came down from the sky and burned a hole in the ground where a golden cow pie once was. We decide we want to explore the hole, but first Vanyel Asked the cow for its leather to make stuff. The cow disagreed but he did give us part of his mustache, which can be made into a whip that turns on fire at high speeds and, when fast enough, becomes a PLASMA WHIP!!!!! We thank the cow for its kindness and start descending into the hole, which emitted a strange, red glow.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I had an awesome dream the night before last night. I can't fully remember how it started but after some apocalypse happened I was sent into space and when I came back everything manmade was gone. I survived for a while avoiding monstrous monsters and creating a house. Then, I'm not sure how, it turned out that I was in an anime. After accepting that and building a castle it turned out that the anime was a short for a movie about Perry the Platypus. During the part where he excepts his mission, I flew back (magically) to the Earth. However, everything was different.
When I got back I was in some weird/awesome cross between World of Warcraft and Minecraft. I was challenged by another surviver in a fight for resources. I summoned a Nether Portal and thousands of zombie pigmen and ghasts came out along with a few lava slimes. However, Nathan (the enemy ruler) had a trick up his sleeve. He placed a spawner of EVERyTHING and left. I was about to run away when I saw Nether Crabs (blocky netherrack-colored long-legged crabs) running away. I followed them and came across a pond. The pond looked normal, with floating moss on the edge and that alive-ness thing. I looked closer and it had dented copper jars and canteens and eating utensils. Then I saw something else. Two fish, alive-ness included, peeking out of the moss. They were white and oddly shaped, but they were fishes nonetheless. I looked at the first real proof that I was sort of on earth and laughed maniacally. The screen zoomed out to show the earth, then as it zoomed out to the rest of the universe two words in big, curly letters appeared:
The End
The crowd stood up and applauded as the curtain closed. All done dreaming, I woke up.
Now for the grand finale!!! This post is about: an apocalypse within an anime within a movie within two video games within another movie within a theatre within a dream within a blog within the internet within lots of stuff within our earth within the Milky way within our universe within the multiverse within the multi-dimension within something too vast for our human minds to comprehend. Within this post :). That's all. Bye!

On dreams, conspiracies, and the definition of life

I have been meaning to do this post for quite some time now. It is about crazy insanity rooted from illogical logic. What fun! Let's start with conspiracies.
OK, so everyone knows that we live in what we call the universe, along with our friends and family and enemies and, occasionally, oppressing tyrannical rulers. However, do we really? When you think about it, it is entirely possible that everything in the universe is just one big coincidence. In fact, the only thing we can be sure of is our own conscience. Or can we? When you think about it, it is entirely possible that the rest of the human race is actually androids and I am the only real human. The thing is, I am 10000% sure that I have a conscience. However, to you, I might be just words on a screen. You have no way of knowing if I am just a really smart android programmed to react exactly like a human would in all situations. That means that I could very well be the only sentient being in the entire universe.(!!!)
On to the definition of life. Scientifically speaking, to be alive you have to have:

Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment to maintain a constant state; for example, electrolyte concentration or sweating to reduce temperature.    
Organization: Being structurally composed of one or more cells, which are the basic units of life.  Metabolism: Transformation of energy by converting chemicals and energy into cellular components (anabolism) and decomposing organic matter (catabolism). Living things require energy to maintain internal organization (homeostasis) and to produce the other phenomena associated with life.     
Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of anabolism than catabolism. A growing organism increases in size in all of its parts, rather than simply accumulating matter.     
Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment. This ability is fundamental to the process of evolution and is determined by the organism's heredity as well as the composition of metabolized substances, and external factors present.     
Response to stimuli: A response can take many forms, from the contraction of a unicellular organism to external chemicals, to complex reactions involving all the senses of multicellular organisms. A response is often expressed by motion, for example, the leaves of a plant turning toward the sun (phototropism) and bychemotaxis.     
Reproduction: The ability to produce new individual organisms, either asexually from a single parent organism, or sexually from two parent organisms.

But, when you think about it, all of these things are just reactions, moving a bundle of carbon and H2O. The only thing not relatively easy to explain with atoms and molecules is a conscience. Therefore, to be alive something has to be conscious. However, as stated before, a conscience cannot be measured so we can't know if something has a conscience or not. So it's up to us. The definition of life is something that feels alive.
Lastly, confessions. I know you're thinking "what about dreams?"The truth is, I need to tell you something to talk about the dreams. I would keep this a secret but, as far as I know, I will die tomorrow and never get to tell anybody. I have two invisible friends. 
The first is Sam, real name Kyle, originally Anthony, who transformed to look exactly like me and got psychic powers in a pool of nuclear waste (or maybe our powers were granted to us by a shaman, I can't remember). He uses his powers to do cool stuff, but the powers need to be amplified by microwaves in order to do anything (don't ask). The second is Lollipop, real name was Katia but maybe now Elise. She has super strength and speed, and I always manage to annoy her in some way. Then there's me, Chester. I can create and control any living thing that I want. I can also control the universe, since it is all in my head. 
The three of us, who can never decide on a name, save the universe from lots of stuff. And can enter any other universe at will. Be it movie, book, or video game, I can always find a way inside to do fun stuff. We came together around third-or-fourth grade on a secret mission in a dream that I can barely remember (something about a secret hotel and an evil organization called The Midnight Sun) and have been fooling around ever since.
We also have under-members of our society. Skateboard (an Integrated-Data-Whatever from another planet) and The-Girl-With-The-Wolf (a native american, probably Lakota, and a good hunter) you can probably remember from older posts about dreams. The other person is Kaylen from The Adventures and Misadventures of a 2nd grader (, who is also psychic but doesn't need to have her power amplified by a toaster.
I also have another, almost unrelated story where I am a student at a magic school. The cool part about this is the other students go on with their lives without me with them. I am just a weird boy who phases in and out of existence to them.
Now to the actual dream part. 
We have finally started an adventure! We have planned tons of adventures with different characters, but this is the first time we actually started one! With school rumble, we are trying to find the cure to your brain on color, a strange disease that makes everything black or white. We are currently taking refuge in a library made out of blocks next to a murky river with gigantic-mouthed fishes living in it.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I'm bored, so I'll write about a bunch of inventions that I thought up
A turbine propelled by two or more jets of water, coming from hoses affixed on to the turbineules (those things that stick out). The water strikes against the surface of the many-sided-shaped-agonal bucket that it is in ant spins around, generating electricity. Could also use chemical reactions.
There is a little propeller attached to each turbineule, that is spun by a person. the propellers spin the turbine, generating electricity. The propellers themselves can also generate electricity.
Also known as the PRPG. A small microwave inside each grenade heats a candle to the point here the fire becomes plasma. The rocket explodes on contact with any hard solid, setting off the grenades, throwing plasma everywhere. The user of the PRPG then crouches in an awesome position and looks out on the destruction.
A trampoline is put in between two magnets: one way above it and one right below it. The user then wears a magnet suit with tiny little magnets in it and... miraculously floats! For an added experience, another Trampoline may be used under the top magnet.
A PRPG is made a lot bigger, then used as the shooting part in a tank. Then the rockets are laced with a lot of gunpowder. For added effect, may be tipped with kryptonite, plutonium, or uranium.
Take a twilight. Take a zone. Combine.

That's all I can think of for now! Bye!

Friday, February 10, 2012

A post I wrote two months ago

Mom doesn't trust the network, so you are reading this way after I write it. Another thing, mom got angry that I wrote a long blog post so this post won't be "everything that has happened so far" but it'll be "Lucia's birthday and Hexbugs". Other than that, to give a brief overview, we've gone to Disney's Animal Kingdom and seen the actual shuttle Endeavor and NASA's launch pad.
On Lucia's birthday, we went to Build-A-Bear Workshop and lucia got a purple kitty and named it Lucy. That's actually it except for the fact that we had a Resses ice cream pie – one of the most delicious things ever created.
The Hexbug part is because of DI. at DI we were going to take apart an Ant to see how it worked. The Ant reminded Kyle about the Spider he had, and soon a war erupted between the Ant and the Spider. When we figured out that it was Dane controlling the Spider (chasing the Ant away from us) I loudly proclaimed "Dane, I challenge you!" The robot's head turned to me, its red eye glowed, and it slowly advanced. We all screamed and ran away (except for dane) to hide on the carpet. Eventually we defeated it by luring it off a cliff (or stair) which turned it upside down, therefore defeating it! It was fun. :)
That's not enough for a post! One more thing, then. Kyle and I tried some new minecraft seeds: 187, which spawns you right next to a double ravine; and meinkraaft, which has a lot of cool stuff (in the first 30 minutes of play we found a dungeon, a floating island, and a village. Then we got bored and poured lava on/blew up everything. I need to sleep. Bye!

-8: TOP SECRET!!! nobody from outside their dimension may know
-7: a world where gravity is upside down
-6: a world where everything is candy
-5: a world where things are interpreted from clamshell to amoeba
-4: unimaginable to the human mind
-3: George Bush rules the world!
-2: This world is two horrible too speak of
-1: I don't remember
0: water is air and air is water
1: a straight line
2: a flat surface
3: our dimension!
4: time
4.5: a projection
5: feelings
6: the next dimension
7: magical unicorn dimension!
8: an orange dimension (orange being the only pigment; or is that the 21st dimension?)
9: a dimension of magic
10: a dimension of street lamps
12: a dimension of gneff
13: the unlucky dimension; speaking of it is bad luck!
14: the love dimension
15: the hate dimension
16: the awesome dimension
17: the last dimension
18: the dimension that lies after the last dimension
19: yet another dimension
20: a dimension where things are interpreted from sign to bamboo tree (or is that the 21st dimension?) 
21: a dimension where things are interpreted from extremely grape flavored to turtle (or is that the eighth dimension?)
22: a dimension where nothing is interpreted
23: the second last dimension
24: the third last dimension
25: the last last dimension
26: a dimension where things are interpreted from carpet to shield
27: all of the dimensions after it except dimension 93
93: the dimension where things are interpreted from soap to fruit

Just so I don't forget

I met a magical cowboy ninja in a dream and I told her I would never forget her. Now I won't
Also, there's this dream I keep going to whenever I'm bored where I'm in a magic school learning about.. well, magic. (That's one of the skills I'm learning from my previous blog) The cool part is, they just get on with their lives when I'm not around. It's fun to sneak up on them.
I also had a dream last night that I only sort of remember, but it involved time traveling, giant birds with the head of Mr. Waldman, lions, and new neighbors. I wanted to write about it because I saw the most beautiful thing: bats that had pictures of other things on them. It would have been cool even if I didn't like bats, because the pictures were so good.
I also had a dream many years ago that I have never forgotten. My friends and I were fighting some kind of giant lava thing and there was this one part when I was running away and I fell into a deep ravine full of water. I just lay there, floating, watching all the creatures go by. There was a school of four-or-five sharks with HUGE tails, and a gigantic manta ray that just pushed itself along with its tiny, circular tail as its huge wings stood still. There were the bones of a gigantic whale at the bottom along with a few clumps of seaweed, and little silver fish were darting by. It was very peaceful, and I had one of those it's-good-to-be-alive moments. Of course, then the monster almost caught up to me and I had to scramble out quickly, and I started running again. I then paused to look back and saw that the water-filled ravin was lying there safe and untouched. With an overwhelming sense of relief that the creatures were saved, I woke up.

How to bend the universe to your will

We all know that I created the universe, but do you know how regular people can warp and bend the essence of space-time to their will? No? Like, where have you been? Here is a list of stuff I've learned so far about changing the universe.

  1. Orbology (the study of magical orbs and how to use them)
  2. Logic (logic is a skill that can be amplified and used to do absolutely anything)
  3. Kinesises (forms of telekinesis, except most of the time completely different than telekinesis. Usually granted by the power of logic, but sometimes already had since birth. I shall now teach you one of the basics: HANDKINESIS. Try to move an object using only... your hand. If you sucseed, you have mastered the art of handkinesis)
  4. Imagination (draw a bunch of random shapes on a person's arm. Then type on them to reprogram the universe) (I have almost mastered this one, so I put it here so that I look better)
  5. Dreams (anyone can use this while they're dreaming. The art of editing dreams to bend reality)

  1. Seedology (The art of seeds used to change the universe. Along with imagination, this is a new art that hasn't been tested much yet)
  2. Candycraft (sometimes referred to as candyology, the art of making and eating magical candy)
  3. Baseball bat (swing around a large stick. Very fun :). DISCLAIMER: baseball bat can not actually change the workings of the universe, unlike the other arts mentioned here)
  4. Stuff and such (the art of making weapons out of ANYTHING. I am actually pretty good at it.)
  5. Magic (well... it's magic. If you don't know what magic is, what sort of life do you have?)
  6. Doodling (doodling and bringing your doodles to life. I am pretty good at this too)
These are all of the universe-changing skills that I am directly associated with. There are others too- jellycraft, superpowers, and time-warping, for some examples that I kind of want to try out someday. But until then I think I will master some more of my candycraft and magic, and possibly some seedology. Try some of these for yourself sometime, don't disregard my lesson on handkinesis, and don't kill anybody. Until next time!!!