Friday, June 3, 2016


So, I swore on the soul of the Onion Knight that I would right something today. Here I am. I would never tarnish his reputation.

I finished watching Dan Sucks at Dark Souls today. I liked it. Dark Souls is most certainly my favorite game I've never played.

I've been thinking about death lately (or have I been thinking of death? I'm not sure) because of reasons. By now I'm kinda fine with it, which is slightly worrying.

So death happens. What it means is that we stop working. Everything dies eventually, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Part of why I've been thinking about it is that there's a little night light that I've had since fourth grade which I think is about to die.

Really, it's impressive that it's lasted this long. Kinda. An LED light lasts about six years until it is at about 70% brightness, according to the internet.

Actually, the more I poke around, the less concerned I am. Apparently, LEDs don't flicker, so the little blinks it does are probably due to a bad connection with the base.

And, of course, there is a chance that I'm just actually blinking. Sometimes I blink and don't notice. You probably do so, too.

Well, I think this is enough. The Onion Knight would be proud. I'm going to rewatch the first episode, and then go to sleep.

Also, my birthday party is tomorrow. So that's fun.

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