Tuesday, October 31, 2017

f(2) spooky f(4) me, f strictly increasing

3 spooky TREE(4) me. That's the most increasing function I can think of. And I think it's the most increasing function anyone has ever thought of, ever. Okay, some procrastinating later and I found that it isn't the MOST increasing. These are. Fastest function that really means something, though.

Anyways, that diversion is over now. I'm here about Halloween. I went as Slash, lead guitarist for Guns 'n' Roses. Well, actually, I went as Slish, lead ukuleleist for Slingshots 'n' Peonies, but that's neither here nor there. Because it's in another universe. Anyways.

I spent like a few hours over the last month preparing a short routine, but I didn't get to use it. Also I completely forgot that we were meant to wear our costumes to choir yesterday. Also I didn't take any pictures. Such is life.

Still, as I was eating dinner, two people sitting across from me complemented me on my costume. One of them asked if my hair was my real hair or if it was a wig. I consider that a win. Almost worth it. Maybe worth it. Let's go with "worth it," for now.

Apparently I missed that at Yale, most festivities take place either during Halloweekend (the weekend before Halloween) or right now, at 11:00 on Halloween, in Woolsey Hall, for the Yale Symphony Orchestra Halloween Show. Whoops. I'll do better next time.

All in all, it was a very freshman Halloween.

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