Friday, November 16, 2018

A Whole Lodda Things

School is out and I'm feelin' fine. Except I have classes and a concert tomorrow, but hey, at least I don't gotta do no homeworks. Now that I'm feeling up for it, here are a whole lodda things.

Things From My Computer
This is just some more stuff that I've done recently that I couldn't get out last time.
  • VelocityRaptor! It's a nice little ordinary top-down room-traversing game, except the speed of light is three miles per hour. It gets crazy, yo. I kinda wanna create a more involved simulation with this concept, but unfortunately I have no idea how to code.
  • So I just spent literally two hours playing SUPERHOTline Miami, which is a fast top-down shooter like Hotline Miami but time only moves when you move, like in SUPERHOT.
  • See, I got into a kinda Hotline Miami mood after watching Tom's video in which he played Hong Kong Massacre, and I remembered that SUPERHOTline Miami looked cool.
  • But, when I first started playing, I didn't realize that it took time to reload (reloading is instantaneous in SUPERHOT), so I thought that I could only shoot each gun once. I completed the first two levels like this, only figuring out that guns could shoot again after accidentally completing the second mission with the second blast of my shotgun.
  • Then, I figured that probably the rest of the missions weren't possible without reloading, so I completed them normally. Then, a couple hours ago, I thought I might as well try, and I completed the third and fourth missions no-reload. I'm pretty sure the fifth mission is technically possible, too. I call it "the Stupid Challenge," because it stems from me being dumb.
  • So that's where my last two hours went.
  • Oh also I started CandyBox but it's kinda lame so I won't even link to it.
  • It's 12:23 so I'd better start the next part or else I'll never go to sleep.

Things From My Phone
These are all the tabs that I have open on my phone. I'm putting them here so I can finally close them.
Wow. That was much longer than I expected. I'ma kill some of these. There, I deleted 21 pages. Only four remain. I should never have let this happen in the first place. Woe upon me.

Also I've gotten to the 28th entry of the SCP thing. And it's 1:02, so I need to sleep for my concert tomorrow and my flight home on the next day. Say Onara!

p.s. here are some secret bonus entries that I forgot. They are dead now.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Catch up

So, I wanted to post this sometime last week, on... wow, I guess it was the day before Halloween. I never got around to it, and then kinda forgot what I'd wanted to blog about, so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think the original plan was to post a bunch of stuff I'd done along with the dates that I'd done them on, but I've lost all the relevant dates and they're not super important, to be honest. So, now all I want to do is record some number of things that I've done over the past couple weeks. What format would be best to do this, I wonder.

A List Of Things

  • The Evolution of Trust is, I believe, the first thing that I wanted to blog about. It's a really cool little half-hour gamelike thing that lets you play with the idea of trust as an emergent phenomenon in self-interested people.
  • The Evolution of Trust then lead to several interactive online learning things. My favorites were this one about fireflies and this one about segregation.
  • The WiFi has been breaking down which really hasn't helped with the whole blogging thing.
  • Read up on some elementary time travel and causal analysis.
  • Got to number—what is this?—36 of the SCP-4000 contest (starting at the bottom because DRAMA!).
  • Not study for the physics midterm that's tomorrow or for the algebra midterm that's on Wednesday.
  • Read about some rad math proofs, the easiest-to-understand of which is I think this one.
  • Caught up with my massive backlog of Quora digests, and changed my settings so that in the future I only get them once a week rather than once a day.
  • Salsa Tequila Corazón Cervesa Muy Búéno
  • Postponed completing this document for so long that it's 12:25 AM now. Whoops. Let's not change the dates around, because I'm lazy.
  • Re-watched some quality videos. That first one always fills me with so much joy.
  • Finally caught up with Tom & Simon's Call of Cthulhu videos, and subscribed to Tom's channel. Gotta keep up with the RiddleBros.
  • Got to hold a hermit crab!
  • Invented a new type of Checkers.
  • Sang around a fire, unless anyone asks, in which case exactly not that.
  • Lost my pet specifically not a pet spider, Spindles.
  • Found out that my pet cat, Petey Purro, passed away. May he rest in peace.
  • That one is probably what I wanted to blog about.
  • Oh.
  • Now I feel sad.
  • I've put a picture of him in his sweater at the top.
  • Courtesy of my sister.
  • I wasn't able to actually see him in it.
  • I'd had other things that I'd planned on putting here, but I think they can wait.
  • Tomorrow is another day.