Sunday, November 13, 2011

Way too much stuff

Way too much stuff has happened since I last blogged so I need to get it all down before Lucia's birthday. My mom thinks I should not write a lot of stuff in one post because it "scares off" and "overwhelms" readers so I'll separate subjects with pictures to make it easier to read. Consider each picture as the start of a new blog post.
First of all, on Thursday we went on a field trip to build igloos. My team (Nicky, Josh, and I) was one of the three only teams who got the hang of igloo building. We were done with the first level of our igloo when Mr. Waldman said that since not many people were successful at igloo building, we would do something else.
Then we went to Baseline Lake, which had frozen over, and ice skated. I made it all the way to the rock in the middle, even though the wind was very strong, and I said "I made it to the island of safetyness!". About five seconds later I stated "This is boring" and ran back onto the windy ice. I also kept trying to catch the wind so that it slid me across the ice, but it wasn't working. I got so fed up that I turned at the mountains where the wind was coming from and yelled "Really, wind? Rea-" but I got cut off by a sudden extremely large gust of wind that bushed my back about a hundred feet. "That's what I'm talking about!!!" I said as I got swept all the way back to the other shore.
Then we went back to school. We tried to convince the driver, Jacob's mom, to let us have something good to eat, but she didn't let us. :( THE END
I suppose I should talk about this, but there's not much to tell. We started DI again and began working with power tools, sharp objects, and hot metal. It was fun. :)
Nicky threw a big 11/11/11 party on friday. When I first got there, we started playing video games. Then we went downstairs and ate pizza and watched weird movies like Baaaaa. Then... we went outside for an epic Nerf war. On the first round, Nicky, Joey, and I were against Travis and Zach. Nicky was an assassin, Joey and I had pistols, Zack was the heavy (he had a large semi-automatic gun with too many bullets), and Travis had a rifle. We won that round due too perfect assassination by Nicky. (he killed both of them with only a little help from me)
The second round was Zach, Joey, and I against Nicky and travis. In this round, I was the sniper (with an extended rifle) and Travis changed to be an assassin like Nicky, although they turned out to be more like snarling predators. This time, I did the most damage (before being unfortunately killed by Travis's Laser Frisbee Throwing Ninja Star of Doom). My team one again. 
The third round Nicky dropped out and it was Zack and I vs. Travis and Joey. That was a quick game where Zack and I were killed because Nicky distracted s from our base. That was when we went inside to build rockets.
We had lots of trouble building rockets, mostly because Nicky's dad forgot to tell us that he had a glue gun so we were trying every other type of glue in the house. When we finally built the rockets, Zach was the first to launch. When we pressed the button, a 20 foot column of flame shot up and the rocket dissapeared into the sky. We found it later, far away from where we launched it, missing one of the stabilizing wing-ish things. None of the other rockets came back. I didn't even launch mine.
We ended the party wit a large 11 cake that tasted delicious and I headed home, thinking how much I needed to blog before another interesting thing happened. I didn't blog, however, so we'll keep going with the story.

At the Denver museum of Nature and Science, I heard a talk about creating an artificial pancreas. Nothing that blogworthy. On the way back from the museum we ate at Carl's Jr.®


FAIL. At this point I accidentally published instead of looking at the preview. Before anyone can see I must continue...

After the museum we went too boondocks®. I played some Terminater and won some tickets and a dinosaur. Nothing new.

When we got home we had fun messing up the settings of MarioKart and owning/being owned. It was fun :)
That's about it. Bye. I hope nobody read it before I upedated this...

I need to learn how to spell. Must update before anybody sees my mistake...

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