Monday, May 21, 2012

Dreamception 2

I had a totally wacky dreamz (Dreamz: Noun. Dreams with a z because they were so awezome. Awezome: adjective. Awesome with a z because it is so inceptiony (Inceptiony: adjective. When something is within something else three or more times. Example: These are parentheses within parentheses within parentheses!))) today. Now to tell them to the world by means of my blog!

Something happens with marshmallows, ice cream, and whipped cream. Can't remember exactly what it was. I wake up.
When I wake up I am in the future, which is obvious because everything is too shiny and too round. I get out of my round bet and go through a round door into a round room. I slip into a round chair and start playing a video game. The game was a designing game and I made some spaceships, a forest, some mountains, and a minecart track through the mountains.
Suddenly, I heard a CRASH from outside, and people screaming. I looked out my round window and saw a gigantic wave of water with a face that had just fallen from the sky rampaging through Sky City (as the city is now called because all the buildings are above the clouds). Just so you know, the city looks like this: 
Exept there are clouds everywhere and it is all a little squashed. And, um, there is a GIANT WATER BEING FROM SPACE RAMPAGING THROUGH THE CITY!
The water being turned to my round sky house (the houses are the orbs on the towers) and roared. Then it started to seep through the windows. Terrified, I grabbed a round pencil and through it at the being. The being roared and turned around.
Since I don't have all day, here is the basic outline of what followed: after some life-risking tests we ascertained that the water was hurt by graphite, so we got everybody and made pencil guns and graphite grenades and an uber eraser tank. Then we totally owned the monster. Then I woke up.
This time someone shakes me awake and I am on some stairs. This is the boring part, I do an assignment with Avery and Blue and we totally own a school competition. I wake up again.
I get ready for school, and I get on the bus, and Mr. Brown gives us a BORING math test. I fall asleep almost immediately.
In my dream (I know this is all really complicated) I am back in my world that I made in the video game in the part of the dream with the water being. I do all sorts of stuff, eventually ending up with the whole mountain EXPLODING as I ride away in the minecart. When I run out of track I am in a snowy forest and a snail caravan approaches me. After some bargaining, I sell the diamond that I found (part of the long story where the mountain exploded) and they let me in. We travel until we reach a town. I wake up.
I yawn, see that everybody's leaving, and go home from school. I tell my dad to remind me to blog and fall asleep on the couch. I continue my dream in the video game, and end up chased by dragons across a long flat sheet of ice (another long story). A gigantinormimmenselephantitansivastoweringargantuaneverending (gigantic, enormous, immense, elephantine, titanic, massive, vast, towering, gargantuan, and never-ending all put together) dragon came bursting out of the ice and ate all the dragons that were after us. We leapt out of the ice and onto dry land just in time to find the treasure before it got buried in quicksand and return to the town in full glory. I woke up.
I stretched on the couch, yawned, and went downstairs to make this blog post. Then I woke up for real.

That was my single dream that I had last night. If you do the math, and you don't have to because I did, you find that I was in a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. Huzzah! :) I love dreamceptions.

1 comment:

eclecl said...

now you have recurring dreams *and* recursive dreams!