Wednesday, October 1, 2014

All good things

Yesterday, the webcomic Nimona released its last page. It was cool. Nimona has been one of my favorites for a long time, and it's kind of bittersweet to see it end. In honor of Nimona, I present to you several places and things on the internet that have now finished.

First: Nimona. Found at, Nimona is a comic about a shapeshifter who becomes a mad scientist's sidekick in a medieval world with modern technology. Awesome. Be warned, however, that if you read it you will have feels. All the feels. It will in fact give you an unprecedented amount of feels, as shown in this image:

Despite the feels, or maybe because of them, I would definitely recommend this comic to anyone.

Another nice comic is Dawn of Time, available at It stars a young girl named Dawn (see what they did there?) sometime in the past. It has almost no actual science in it, but it is still a nice little comic. Definitely worth an afternoon reading.

The Exquisite Beast is one of my favorite things on the internet. Period. It is a project that starts at and.... Well, it's a project between two artists who take turns modifying an animal. This sounds simple, but they managed to get from this:
to this:
via this:
and this:
If you would like to see this whole process, and even if you don't, Read it through (The "next" button is below the comments, for some unfathomable reason). On a related note, "flightless arboreal trilobite" is right up there with "irresponsibly corrosive" and "liberal application of fire" on my list of favorite phrases.

In a similar vein, but not nearly as awesome, is The Morae River ( It is a blog about the biology of fictional animals in and around a fictional river, and makes for a pretty cool little world. Check it out if you liked The Exquisite Beast.

Girly is... odd. I don't know what else to say. It's very good and unsafe for small children, but that pretty much covers everything I wanted to say. Oh, well. Here's the link:

In the YouTube department is Mario Warfare: In Mario Warfare, the Mario games are made into a movie. With guns. The story is actually pretty good, and they have a bunch of references to different games. Check this thing out.

Ctrl+Alt+Delete is different to the other comics on this list in that it's not over. However, the original story has finished and the comic now focuses on another set of characters, so I consider it done. It's a comic about video games. Also love, scorpions, robots, and time travel, but mostly video games. Not much happens in the beginning, and a lot of the pages have nothing to do with the story, but it's cool. Eventually, I'm going to run out of ways to transition into the link, but for now:

A Miracle of Science is about a detective in the future who teams up with a member of the Mars hive mind to stop a mad scientist. I don't think there's anything I could say that would add to that, so...

Last but not least, There have been many playthroughs of Skyblock uploaded to YouTube. TAG's videos will always be the best. These guys are so stupid... well, watch the thing. As an example of their failings, in the first episode they lose:
- 1    Bucket of water
- 13  Dirt
- 7    Sand
- 12  Wooden planks
- 7    Cobblestone
...and set the tree on fire. Yeah. Also, you should probably know that they curse. A lot. I think they are the single curse-full-est YouTube channel that I have ever seen. If that doesn't bother you, check it out.

So yeah. Now you have things to do for the next few days. Well, more things. Have fun!

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