Friday, November 7, 2014

These are a few of my favorite things

So, when I was 11, I created a post of my favorite things. Now, at the age of 15, I will refill (or refresh? Update? I'm not sure what the correct word would be) all of those things, and add some more areas. Without further ado:
My favorite computer game is now Minecraft, although I still love Spore. I really like how personalized Minecraft can be, what with maps and textures and all that. 
My favorite actor is still Nigel Marven, as I haven't really been keeping up on movies. 
My favorite narrator is now Morgan Freeman. David Attenborough has been dethroned. 
It should be "You've probably never heard of either of them."
My favorite movie is "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", because it is a story about an ordinary daydreamer going and doing awesome things. It is a movie that says you can do anything you want, so long as you have the guts to do it. Also, it is really funny, especially the bit with the shark.
I have become much more deceicive about my favorite book, and finally formed an opinion in seventh grade (shortly after I wrote my previous post). My first favorite book was "The Thirteen-and-a-half Lives of Captain Bluebair," which is a long, epic story of a blue bait in a strange land that I recommend you all read. The second is "Skullduggery Pleasent," because it uses exactly the kind of humor I love, so much so that I was actually guessing some of the jokes before I read them.
I've become a lot more of a music person, and I listen to more stuff now. My favorite band right now is probably "Postmodern Jukebox" and I have a playlist of songs that have, at one point, been my favorite. The latest one is "living in the moment" by Jason Mraz.
My favorite bookstore is STILL Borders. I don't care if it went bankrupt.
My favorite restaurant is The Walnut Cafe. My favorite food is still bacon, and it probably always will be. My favorite pie is still pumpkin pie, and my favorite candy is still candy corn.
My favorite animal is now the cat, my second favorite animal is the mantis shrimp. My favorite imaginary animal is the flightless arboreal trilobite.
I'm not sure if I have a best friend anymore, but if I did, it would still be Kyle.
My favorite toys are still Legos, on account of me not playing with toys much anymore. My favorite series is still  Primeval, because it's just that good. My favorite YouTuber is... huh, I've been spending more time on YouTube than is healthy. I think I have to go with Vsauce, because it is three channels in one and it might have been one of the first channels I've ever watched.
Now for new stuff. My favorite year was 2012, for many reasons, including the end if the world. My least favorite year was 2014, because my Freshman year marked the end of the golden age.
My favorite book series is Artemis Fowl, although for a long time it was The Spiderwick Chronicles. My favorite webcomic is Romantically Apocalyptic, because omgsquee.
My favorite extinct reptile is the elaphrosaurus, because of its giant afro. Where did you think it got its name?
Well, that's all I can think of for now. The future me will create more categories. Good night!

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