Sunday, February 21, 2016

The summer is over

Okay, first off, that one I wrote when I was tired was way too long. Sorry.

I realize that I actually have a lot to say, but I just never really sit down to say it. I am going to resolve to start blogging more.

Today (the 21st) I moved back into my old room, which is now only my old old room, and also my new new room. It thus follow's that Lucia's room - the one she's in now - is my  old new room and my new old room. Cool.

Yesterday (the 20th) I meant to write this post. I didn't get around to it. I was busy finishing Narbonic, which is a good and you should read it. Definitely read it without commentary, though. It becomes 70% shorter, and there is less chance that you will glimpse spoilers that ruin everything.

The day before yesterday (the 19th) my family and I watched the last three episodes of Gravity Falls. Now it is done and I am sad. It's an odd sorta thing that Gravity Falls and Phineas and Ferb have ended in the same month. What's more, we were actually watching things as they were added to Netflix and Amazon, so we finished the shows within a week of each other. We had skipped a whole season of Phineas and Ferb, which is why we had already watched the last episode.

Today (the 21st) I need to do my math homework. My mom and I just worked out my schedule for next year, and I'm planning to do double-advanced math, so I have to make myself look good. Fortunately, now that I'm done with Phineas and Ferb, and Narbonic, and Gravity Falls, and sleeping in the other room, and not owning the latest two Sandra Boynton albums, and some interesting self-discoveries (which I will might about later), I have a lot of time to do stuff like that. And to blog.

I'm going to end with a quote from my mom: "Now that Gravity Falls is gone, and Phineas and Ferb is gone, it feels like summer is over." It kinda really does.

P.S. We moved the beds, so I have Lucia's old old bed which is my new old bed and my old new bed and my new new bed. It follows that Lucia has my old old bed, which is her new old bed and old new bed and so on.

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