Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Why am I so bad at everything?

So, yesterday, I told myself that today I would write a post called "Why am I so good at math?" because it is a question I'd been asking myself for a while, and I think I found an answer that also sums up my philosophy about life and leaves me with a good feeling about the world. That was yesterday.

Today, I am sad. I don't know why, and sometimes that frightens me. When I don't know why I feel things, it feels like I'm lost. Not, like, adrift-in-space lost or surrounded-by-darkness lost or left-behind lost or even just plain old strange-location lost. It's a kind of lost where you know where you are, but nothing else. You don't know what your doing, or who you are, or why you do things, or where the future will take you, or if anything even matters at all. It's like the moment of disorientation when you have just walked into a room, and you don't remember why you're there, but you haven't quite noticed that you don't know why you're there, so you just stand. I mean, it's not like there's anything else to do.

My day went well. I was mostly ignored by the people in my chemistry class, and overspoken (that's not a word, but it should be) by the people in my LA class. In my off period, I finished something I had been working on for a while, and then learned that it was pointless. When I mention that in my math post, it will be a positive thing. Honestly, math class was the highlight of my day, because it was a work day, so I could mostly just hang out.

Wait, scratch that. The highlight of my day was hanging out with Devon during lunch. It was sort of surreal, because we don't talk to each other that often, and today we spent over an hour together. We spent the time talking about nothing, like the wind, or Trump, or cancer, or yo-yos, or books. At one point Devon wondered aloud where Zach was, so I texted him, and we got no answer. Zach's a mutual friend, by the way; he's the reason Devon and I spent time together before.

Sometimes I write a lot. See those last two paragraphs? Those were unplanned. They just happened. Well, that's usually how writing works in general, but still. I was going to spend a lot more time talking about depression and stuff, but I didn't. I'm usually not a sad person. Sometimes, I just get sad. It happens. I get over it.

Also, you should totally read this.

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