Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is going to be the second full list of creatures post. I will say some creatures from the last post. No animals will be repeated in this post. the creatures are listed in the order seen, like last time.
  1. Dienonychus.
  2. Pteranodon, coelurosauravus, priapulid worm.
  3. Smilodon.
  4. Future shark, mer creature, mer queen.
  5. Eoarthropleura, giant scorpion.
  6. Columbian mammoth, future predator.
  7. Clones.
The future shark evolved from a shark, obviously. The series said the mer creatures evolved from humans, but I think they evolved from seals. The mer queen is based on the queen bee and is a lot bigger then the other mer creatures. The picture is from the primeval wiki under series 2.

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