Tuesday, September 20, 2011


If you're wondering about the title, I didn't know what to call this post so I asked one of my cats, Maggy Meau, what I should call this post. She said "meaaaaou" so that's the title.
Minecraft 1.8 came out so I took advantage of the fact that I hadn't explored much and found a large swamp and a surface pool of lava. I am hoping to find a town or stronghold soon. I also built an epic giant mushroom forest and got 2 64 stacks of each type of mushroom. The only reason I stopped is because I ran out of bonemeal.
That's one of the reasons I love minecraft: if someone else doesn't know about minecraft you can utterly bamboozle them with words like bonemeal (made out of bones, can be used to grow stuff like trees, wheat, and mushrooms), stronghold (extremely awesome and epic, basically large seemingly manmade underground fortresses), surface pools of lava (actually that's kinda obvious- a pool of lava on the surface of the world), and 64 stacks (64 is the most you can stack items in your inventory).
Another thing, I discovered a seed (another bamboozling word, basically a pre-generated world) today. I was fooling around and I typed in "hihihi" for the seed and it came up with a world of epic lavafalls and ravines. I fount the lavafall by chasing a pig into it, and I found the ravine when looking for the lavafall in a different world.
I also have been getting a lot of wierd splashel like umop-apistdn! (I just got it! it's "I'm up a piston"), lewd with two dudes with food, google anlyteced, and superfragilisticexpealidocious (note that there is no "cali").
In other news I got a Youtube channel! check out my first video here. I meant to be TheBasicShow but that was taken (probably by the original Basic Show, even though all their videos are gone from YouTube) so I am TheBazikShow.
That's all, folks!

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