Sunday, April 3, 2016


All my troubles seemed so faaar away.... Life was just another gaaame to play....


So, today, there was a lot of being sad for no reason. This is because I was up all night yesterday reading Questionable Content. I am not proud. But, a lot of my posts lately (two) have been sad, so I don't want to focus on that. Instead, I want to focus on this: Yesterday was the best day ever.

So, first off, it was April Fools'. I've always loved April Fools'. It makes me incredibly happy to think that anything could be false at any moment. Also, all the cool YouTubers do April Fools' videos, and even the serious videos have a sense of suspense because they could turn at any moment.

My day started off with Chemistry (and yes my day starts with school because I never really remember much of mornings). Chemistry was whatevs. There was work, and I turned in stuff. I felt alienated from the rest of my lab group. Nothing to complain about.

Then was Spanish. Also mediocre, but I did get a cookie-cream-chocolate heart out of it. Also, Nando let me in on this whole thing the Web Team did where they put QR codes around the school (one was affixed to Nando's backpack) to see how many of them students can scan. It seems fun, and also April Fools'y.

Not sure what I did on my off period. Probably homework. OH! I studied for the History test. Also, I met Kaylee (I still don't know how to spell her name) and we talked about hair and tentacles. That was... interesting.

The next class is Physics. And yes I am going to go through the whole list darnit. First the teacher (yes I know her name but too many details is boring) showed us PhoneView, which is a number that you can call that lets you navigate the school website with your phone. Surprisingly, it actually works! Then we played with lasers and wave interference, which is ALWAYS fun. Also, a lot of my best friends are in Physics. It's a good class. Anyways, we ended by watching stuff in SnoopaVision. Google it.

Language Arts was... not terrible. It was a work day. I worked. Yaaaaay.

I had already eaten my Lunch, so I went right to the library (specifically the hallway outside the library) to meet up with my friends. I had seen an interesting-looking book earlier, so I went in. Seth, from my History class, asked me to study with him. I had already studied, but we were friends, and anyways how long could it take? It took the whole period. And it was great. We talked about broad strokes stuff, and went of on like three irrelevant tangents. One of them was about Seveneves and the logistics of living on the iron core of the moon and how dead we would be if the moon exploded. I had a lot of fun. It was nice to hang out with a "normal" person for once.

Math was mathy. I didn't do NEARLY as badly on the test as I thought I had (like a 92 as opposed to a 60) and we talked about u-substitutions, which seem a bit annoying, but it's cool.

Finally, History. The best part of the day. Before class, the teacher came up to me and told my that the paper I had written was one of the best she had ever seen in her entire teaching career. I was floored. Absolutely stunned. If I switched those adjectives, it would work better dramatically. Wait, are they adjectives, or just verbs in the past tense? Probably verbs.

Anyways, that happened. I can't even describe how great that made me feel. Like, if a million bucks feels great, then... I don't know where I was going with this metaphor. Probably a larger amount of money? Meh. The point is, this made my day. I went in, and she told the whole class about it, and she gushed, and everyone looked at me and smiled, and I felt great. Then there was the test, which was meh. Then we practiced the Citizenship Test, which might be mandatory for completing high school next year.

And then I was home. Well, after a bus ride, in which I played Flow. When I got home, there were cinnamon rolls there. Like, the little baby ones. I ate their persons, then watched YouTube videos. It was delicious. I don't even remember much of the evening, it was just a whirlwind of fun times. I think there was singing and games.

Then, I read QC until past midnight, and resolved to write this post today. So here I am. In between, there has been a lot of sadness, but also Your Grammar Sucks 100, which was so cool.

The end. I don't really like doing diary-type posts, but yesterday was literally the best day I have had in years. Probably. I don't really keep track. It was certainly the best this year so far. Anyways, time to put all the links in. Huh, just three. I thought there's be more. I mean, I could put in SnoopaVision. But no, that's too much work.

Thank you very much, goodbye, good night.

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