Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Vacation part 3

The next day was ducky derby day. When we got there, I created a sand fortress on the bank and put an aphid in to be the king, but he just swam across the moat, climbed through a crack in the perimeter wall, and ran away. Then the rubber ducks came and I threw them while saying encouraging or discouraging words. Then I played in a bouncy house obstacle course. In the obstacle course there was one obstacle where you had to duck under some poles so I went under while throwing my hat over and when I came out the other side my hat landed just to the left of my head. If it had landed on my head it would have been cooler so next time I'll aim a little bit more to the right. Then we had lunch and went to a waterfall. That was our day. I'll post this now so I don't get postponed any more.

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