Monday, August 29, 2011

The conclusion of aaaaahhhhhh!!!

The conclusion! Huzzah! Yesterday, about two minutes after I posted the last post, there was a long blackout. That's what I call good timing! Let's get on with it.
After the mime (whom I named Life) had done his performance, we went up and I saw a person. Immediately the word "ice" came to my mind so I decided to name him that. Then Guide instructed us to line up along a ledge. At the top of a crevice, I saw a man. He lifted his head and birds suddenly flew away from the rock. That may or may not have been scripted, but it was cool either way. He started coming down the crevice and I realized that he was Sadness with raggedy clothes. He came down the crevice and stared at us. Then he walked past us and went up to another rock.
Sadness met another man, and I decided to name him Sharp. Sadness and Sharp started fighting. During the fight I realized that Sharp was actually The Troll! Eventually, Sharp The Troll backed down and let Sadness pass.
After walking some more, we saw a man at the base of a cliff, attached to a rope. The rope went up, and attached to somebody with a vail over his face. When everyone was gathered, he took off the vail and revealed that he was a she! She went down and he went up. Meanwhile, I noticed Sharp The Troll messing with some rope. When the girl got down, she took off her shirt and I noticed that she had golden dragon bracelets and was actually Maiden! Then some more people did more acrobatics and we had oranges, thereby fulfilling the "fruitful"-ness of the prophecy. The end.

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